cinematography Calc disk space required when filming - free iOS & Android app eSpace


I am Alex a developer and filmmaker, and I have created a free iOS & Android app called eSpace for filmmakers.

It answers the question you ask yourself before filming every time. For example, "how many hours of video can I fit on my 128GB memory card?" or "what size disk drive do I need for 5 hours of video with this camera?"

it's similar to AJA Data Calculator if you know this app but better. You can find eSpace on the appstore and playstore by searching for "espace codecs" or by following these links,

Here are some improvements to make eSpace more more useful.

1. You can calculate up 4 formats in parallel - So if you have Camera A filming with HD XDCAM50 for 5 hrs and Camera B filming with GoPro 2.7k for 3hrs it will tell you the total. Or for post production your offline is 8hrs of Pro Res LT HD and your online will be 3hrs Pro Res 4444 UHD

2. You can enter your own data rate. Choose custom for the codec option and enter a data rate in MB/s or Mb/s

3. Calc how many hours of a codec you can fit on a defined storage amount or calc how much storage space you will require for a certain numbers of hours

4. We have an up to date codec list and will keep this updated as new formats come out. We have DNxHR, 8K RED, LongG, XAVC, AVC-Intra and more

5. Tap the outputs to convert between hours, days, mins and GB, TB, MB

6. We support iOS & Android

Try the app and please give us feedback, if you want an improvement or codec added let us know.

If you like the app give us a rating on the appstore and playstore.

thanks Alex