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watch Burn Your Bootlegs

That was pretty good. But really if that guys move became the most downloaded movie I am sure some studio would hire the guy to make movies and things would not be so bad. Sure he may lose some money due to downloads but his next gig would make up for it. Second just because some people download does not mean some people still pay to see it. Avatar is the most pirated movie I hear followed by Dark Night. Avatar is one of the highest grossing movies too.

I thought it was interesting watching the guy attack the pirates though it was good. Nice to see.

The only thing I did not like about your short was waiting for the commercial on youtube to be over so I could watch it.
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Not bad really. I watched the whole thing -- rare for this forum.

I would have shortened a few things, maybe 30 seconds total -- one of the actors didn't look believable at times and snipping those clips up would have helped.

Good luck!