building a cave set.

For my short film, there happens to be a small cave that is explored, now i have found a hole as to where they drop in, so i wanted to make a cave set about 8ft long,6ft wide and 7ft tall. I know this is will probably be hard but i really want to do this just don't know the easiest fastest way to go about it or how to do it.

* I basically want rocky wall interior with jus a normal gravely dusty ground. nothing to fancy, maybe some twigs and stuff coming off ceiling. I'm gonna leave the top of cave open at the very front of it then close the rest to give the effect that there is a hole above the actor when he first enters.
Pro set builders often construct a tunnel out of huge styrofoam blocks attached to a wood frame, then use an electric chainsaw to sculpt the foam into a rock-like texture, then paint.

I can't think of a faster method myself, but don't know where you'd find the foam blocks.