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watch BTS Prod Doc + Final Prod (I Ain't Got Nothin' To Do With This!)

Just someone else I ran across doing their video BTS production documentary and their final product.

BTS production doc: http://thecreatorsproject.com/videos/neon-indian-polish-girl-by-tim-nackashi?utm_source=taboola
Final product: http://thecreatorsproject.com/video...by-tim-nackashi/media/neon-indian-polish-girl

I thought it would be decent to share.
I have no skin in their game.

However, I would like to point out the modern classic roughly 60/40 split stories between the A) "display story" and the B) performers doing their thing.

Several of the recent rap videos have suffered from a near 100% onslaught of "Lookitme!!! I'm in five different places the same distance away from the camera rappin' to myself!!!!"
That ain't workin'.