Hey Guys,
Thanks for all the support guys. We are working on releasing a Special Edition BROKEN DVD for the holidays so keep your eyes out.
While we are working on BROKEN the feature and a few other projects, I found some time to produce a killer documentary called "Behind Forgotten Eyes" Narrated by LOST's Yonn-jin Kim. Check out the trailer on the website: http://www.behindforgotteneyes.com
Completely shot on the DVX 100a and edited/color corrected on Final Cut Pro 5. Let us know what you think of the trailer. We are working a a newer one but the one we have up gives you an idea. FYI: I did not edit the trailer ; )
Also, to see what else The Enigma Factory is up to waddle over to: http://www.enigmafactory.com
Thanks again for all the good wishes.
Thanks for all the support guys. We are working on releasing a Special Edition BROKEN DVD for the holidays so keep your eyes out.
While we are working on BROKEN the feature and a few other projects, I found some time to produce a killer documentary called "Behind Forgotten Eyes" Narrated by LOST's Yonn-jin Kim. Check out the trailer on the website: http://www.behindforgotteneyes.com
Completely shot on the DVX 100a and edited/color corrected on Final Cut Pro 5. Let us know what you think of the trailer. We are working a a newer one but the one we have up gives you an idea. FYI: I did not edit the trailer ; )

Also, to see what else The Enigma Factory is up to waddle over to: http://www.enigmafactory.com
Thanks again for all the good wishes.