"BROKEN" Feature Film VFX Test Clip w/ Breakdown
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to give you an update on "B R O K E N" the feature film. We have finished the screenplay and it is in the hands of our producers. We are currently in development on the visual effects, conceptual art, etc for the flix. Wish us luck.
We wanted to share one of our vfx tests. It is rough but we did do a breakdown on how it was done for you to see the process.
Let us know what you think.
Check it out:
For the for clip FULL click here: http://www.whatisbroken.com/bk_vfx_test.html
Also, I will be shooting another short film in the coming months while we are waiting for BROKEN to go into full drive. I haven't shot a frame since BROKEN and I am itching BAD!! More details to come...
Thanks again for all the support, the emails, and good wishes. The BROKEN: Special Edition DVD seems to have been very well receieved and according to all your emails and posts is helping a lot of filmmakers and storytellers. I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects!!!
Make it happen!
Keep your eye on the prize
Official My Space Page - http://www.myspace.com/broken2006
[ Visual Effects for Indie Films ]
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to give you an update on "B R O K E N" the feature film. We have finished the screenplay and it is in the hands of our producers. We are currently in development on the visual effects, conceptual art, etc for the flix. Wish us luck.
We wanted to share one of our vfx tests. It is rough but we did do a breakdown on how it was done for you to see the process.
Let us know what you think.
Check it out:

For the for clip FULL click here: http://www.whatisbroken.com/bk_vfx_test.html
Also, I will be shooting another short film in the coming months while we are waiting for BROKEN to go into full drive. I haven't shot a frame since BROKEN and I am itching BAD!! More details to come...
Thanks again for all the support, the emails, and good wishes. The BROKEN: Special Edition DVD seems to have been very well receieved and according to all your emails and posts is helping a lot of filmmakers and storytellers. I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects!!!
Make it happen!
Keep your eye on the prize

Official My Space Page - http://www.myspace.com/broken2006

[ Visual Effects for Indie Films ]