Book recommendations

Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a good book on film theory.

The ones I have read so far seem a little too simplistic and I was hoping for something that really digs deep into the matter.

Any help would be appreciated

Cheers :)
Well i got this book from Waterstones last christmas called "The Guerillas Filmmakers Handbook" which goes through the whole process of making a film, what to expect and has interesting interviews from filmmakers who have been in that particular "situation." Its an interesting read.
what sort of information are you specifically looking for, I've got tons of titles, but they are on a variety of topics. I'm not sure what film theory is either, hence the question.
Similiar request for additional information --

Film theory usually means -- academic critical theory -- in which case David Bordwell is the starting place

Film Theory - David Bordwell

If you're looking for information about film making then Elliot Grove is your best in road

lo ot no budget film making

If you let me know which area you are specifically interested in, I may be able to provide more help.
Clive got it spot on, I was looking for academic theory, I've read Grove and the Guerilla filmmakers books and they are excellent, but its more theory stuff that I am reading at the moment.

I'll try and pick up some of those Bordwell books.

Its not really the nuts and bolts stuff I am looking for, more academic critical theory as you mentioned clive

I've just realised that I have already purchased Bordwells the way Hollywood tells it, I've still to read it all though it does seem good
I think this book is a must read for filmmakers:

In the Blink of an Eye by Walter Murch. He takes a holistic approach to editing which I enjoyed as an eclectic person with tons of areas of interest. This book dives into the "why to place a cut here" part of movie making that usually doesn't get covered. He goes into the psychology of the audience as well which I found quite informative. It's also the shortest book in my filmmaking catalog.

The rest of my library is technical in nature, so I'll be checking out the titles above.
That one is on my amazon wish list at the moment, spent so much on fiction books recently so I need to wait until I have a bit more spare cash before I can buy again :D

Psychology as a side note is an interesting study, in general though, not directly its effect with film(although it can be used). Some of the manipulation and suggestion stuff is fascinating.

Derren Brown(a mentalist/magician) actually used a short film played in a cinema to make most people forget what the film they had just seen was about