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watch BMCC Music Vid - lots of bling and smoke!

I directed this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1WSn...ature=youtu.be

Frankly, Salacious did the majority of this and he is a very talented guy. He has an excellent eye and really understood what they wanted all the way through the shoot and most importantly when he edited the raw afterwards. He's a very, very talented guy and all I did was a bit of directing and a few suggestions in post.

In terms of the brief, we presented 4 different treatments and they chose number 4. The others contained too much violence and they wanted something showing a more dreamlike quality. The brief was:

- Outside
- Sunshine (lots of)
- Bling
- Incense (smoke) - they wanted tons of the stuff to represent something or other (they like their smoke).
- Dreamlike (but still with the sun)
- Words coming out of the screen
- Show some elements emphasising some of the negative lyrics
- Bling (check out their costumes)
- Ital sun coming out of the eye at the end.

Shot on a BMCC, a 40 year old Russian 85mm lens (with 2.5 crop factor), 28mm Samyang. We had a cage, shoulder rig, the ubiquitous Manfrotto everything etc... Shot over one and a half days, two different locations and green screen. RAW is such a pain as we were chewing through a 240 gig card every 10 minutes (maybe a fault somewhere?) We had two MacBook Pros in the background taking turns to download the footage and the data wrangler was the busiest guy on the set.

Salacious' understanding of what they wanted means that when they first saw the edit, they gasped and said that was exactly what they were imagining. It perfectly fitted their thoughts and this is testament to his ability to understand what was going through their heads. Frankly, as a director, I did next to nothing compared to him and he delivered a great package.

What do you think?

for those who want to click and play.

also Baolin assisted in lighting.

was a fun shoot :)
Seems like you all did a fantastic job! It's fun both making something that looks (and sounds) great, but was enjoyable to do as well. Those mirror (???) shots look fantastic!
Well done! Although I'm a sucker for a good story/narrative to pull me in and wanted more than just the band playing in interesting environments. But it's great to see a lot of effort put into the set design. :yes: Keep working together!
Well done! Although I'm a sucker for a good story/narrative to pull me in and wanted more than just the band playing in interesting environments. But it's great to see a lot of effort put into the set design. :yes: Keep working together!

fear not, we will have a narrative based video soon.. I understand completely what you mean..