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Blurry Dude show looking for film submissions for reviews

The Blurry Dude Show, a Northeast Ohio based film, art, and music talk show, is looking for local filmmakers to submit their work.

We accept any length film (although shorts can be aired during the show, whereas features cannot). You must own the rights to the film and everything in it, film's submitted by performers will need to be verified by the creators.

It is recommended that you submit purchase information or information on how the public can access the film.

If your film is chosen for review, you will be notified. Once we've reviewed the film, we will contact you and tell you what our review is, and what we're likely to point out on the show. At that point, if you are not comfortable with our review, we will give you an opt out option, and simply never bring the film up, or announce it's review.

You can also submit your film for the "No Review" section of our website, even if you opt out of a review. The No Review section will state that the films listed are not necessarily bad, it just may be that we did not have time to review them, or they simply did not make it into the show schedule.

Film submission is free, and a copy of the episode your show is on will be made available to you, and you are welcome to post the review of your movie wherever you like, either by text or video.

If you are interested in submitting a film, please contact us by any of the following:

Phone: 1 (234) 525 - DUDE (3833) - It will ring for quite a while before going to voicemail if someone is not available to answer. If you call on a Friday between 7pm and 8pm, you will likely end up on the show, which we don't mind, but we'd prefer you call another time for submitting a film.

Email: BlurryDude@Gmail.com

Mail Submission (must include phone number or email with film):

Blurry Dude Media Group
c/o Murdock Industrial
553 Carroll St.
Akron, OH 44304