Black V Tarantino - Who IS better?

I watched Kiss Kiss Bang bang last night and I torn on an issue...

Who is the bettetr script writer - Quentin or Shane Black? For my money it's Shane Black. I love Tarantino but hell Shane Black's scripts are just uniformly amazing.

Long kiss Goodnight, Last Boy scout, Lethal Weapon... are all just superb scripts (whatever you may think of the film).

So over to you guys... Black or Tarantino?
Whew! Tough choice there. I felt that both Long Kiss and Last Boy Scout were underrated and extremely entertaining films. They are richly developed and gorgeously shot- along with having some of the best characters and dialogue in action films. However, Tarantino seems to have a way with both writing and editing that creates a style that I don't think anyone has come close to emulating. It may be an apples to oranges (or at least two types of apples) comparison. :)

I love them both.
I think you're right there Christine. Long Kiss Goodnight is one of my favorite films. I haven't actually read the scripts to all of the films mentioned, just Pulp Fiction and 4 Rooms from Mr. QT. I can tell you both of them have good products but they seem to really have different styles.

Based on the many conversations I've had about films over the past few years, I talk more about Mr. QT's movies than I do anything else, so if I have to pick, he's the king. However, I do think it's apples and oranges.
Well, if I had to choose between the two I'd say Charlie Kaufman.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Serously, if I really had to choose between the two it would have to be
The Coen Brothers.
Clive... you kill me. Ha!

And if I did with it obscure forms of Kung-Fu whilst fighting off samurai sword waving London Geezers intent on robbing my astranged daughter's sub post office, we'd have another QT movie!

Clive... you kill me. Ha!

Actually "Clive, you kill me" is a great title.
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