Black magic pocket camera lense options?

My camera hopefully will arrive at the end of the month and all I have are my 3 canon ef lenses from my 550d is there a good adapter that will let me have full control of the lense? And will it work for all my lenses as long as there ef? Lastly can anyone reccomend and good micro 4/3 lenses to get with the camera? Budget is 200-400 max per lense. Need a good wide angle one specifically. As always thanks guys! You have all helped me a lot.
On another forum, someone asked about this lens, Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm f/3.5 -5.6 Asph. / MEGA O.I.S, and John Brawley, the gentleman testing the pocket cam for BMD had this to say.

"I have this lens on the pocket cinema camera often.

It's a very serviceable lens and crazy cheap. The IS works well too.

Aside from the slower speed in terms of aperture it's great value if you want a *starter* lens. It's the first m4/3 zoom I've ever bought. I own lot's of m4/3 primes (for my Olympus m4/3)."

I've preordered this camera also and have already bought the Panasonic 12-35 f2.8, and the olympus 45 f1.8. Looking for a 17mm next (about a 50mm on the pocket cam).
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