BIOPHAGE UPDATE: Trailer now on YouTube!

For all of you who haven't seen the trailer, it's up for show on YouTube:

Please take a look at it, and by all means rate it if you think it "rates."

Here's the latest review of BIOPHAGE. The author caught the show at Zombie Fest 2007 in Pittsburgh:

Update: BIOPHAGE is done, sound and all (or at least as done as it's gonna get...). I'm waiting until I get a few paychecks under my belt, and then I'm going to make DVDs to send out to distributors. What's the holdup? I have to get the cash together to do the cover art, buy those fancy-pantsed DVDr's that you can print the label right onto the disk, and generally put together a nice package that will make the aquisitions guys at Dimension take notice.