Best place to find indie movies

Most indie films don't get distributed and end up on the top shelf of people's closets. Inquire around and you'll find god-awful stuff and a few gems. is a source for some although I'm not sure browsing is easy unless you know exactly what you're looking for.

Review sites come and go. Rogue Cinema is one site I believe is still in business.

Good luck.
There's SundanceNow.Com. The thing is, I don't know if they have anything that Amazon Streaming doesn't have. But I have not thoroughly tested that, either. I guess.

But, for example, if I want to rent or buy ...To Skin a Cat (a film by the founder of I.T.), I can find it on Amazon Streaming. It's not on SundanceNow. If I want to rent or buy Horrors or War (a film by I.T. VIP, Sonnyboo), I can find it on Amazon Streaming. It's not on SundanceNow. I certainly do not mean to knock SundanceNow. I want SundanceNow to live up to its promise. Or other similar sites which I'm not aware of. But, I guess it really says something in favor of Amazon that two honest-to-goodness indie films, one made by Indietalk and the other made by Sonnyboo, can be accessed right now on its streaming service, and at very reasonable prices.
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Thanks Guys

Thanks for your responses. I noticed that it is hard to find them if you are browsing. But I'm going to check out those sites to see what's available.
