film-school Best Online Film Schools?

Hey everyone,

I've been looking at online film courses because going away to a college is simply not a choice for me. Money's tight and all of that typical-excuse junk, so I've elected to look at online courses after I graduate later this year. They're only a few hundred dollars and would be in the subject I'm directly interested in, and the best part is most of them are learn-at-your-own-pace (very nice). However, I am also aware that a lot of websites cam be VERY misleading, and so I thought I'd come on here to ask any of you gurus what you would personally recommend as the best online film courses. Another thing I've read is that some people say that a degree in filmmaking isn't necessarily required for the field as long you're creative, pursuing, and really good at understanding film in general. So...what do you all think? I personally would like to get a degree in it (who wouldn't?), but you never know. A lot of things I know have been self-taught over the last few years, mainly in special effects and lighting techniques, but of course I could always use a professional course. So yes. that's really it and I apologize for partly rambling. :rolleyes:

Thanks to any and all who respond!
My advice, for film, is to not do it online. Take the time to go to an actual physical shouldn't be much more expensive. Believe it or not, some online schools cost more than community colleges.

Being there, in class with other people, talking and touching and smelling and worth it.
You do have valid points. I wish I could go to a physical school, but sadly it isn't really an option (at least right now; perhaps in a couple of years). I suppose I'll just wait and see for the moment.