Best external device to record sound?

Alright so I already have this camera:

And I was wondering what would be the best device to use that could record external sound. This camera doe's not have a good on-board microphone and there is no jack for an external microphone. So what is the best device to use so that I can record sound with a boom microphone and then join them together in Final Cut later on.

It's hard to say what is best unless one knows your budget. You could go for a field mixer and a portable recorder, or an all in one device. Brands like Sound Devices are right up there with the best of them, but are pretty expensive. If as I suspect, that may be way out of your budget (judging by the brief description of the camera), you could look at a portable recorder with XLR inputs and mic preamps with phantom power like the Marantz PMD661. They are pretty cool..I have one for recording random sound effects etc when out and about and it does a pretty good job.
Agree, have to know your budget.
You can "get by" on something like a Zoom for a few hundred bucks, or you can spend many thousands getting a pro-level rig. My sound guy's field recorder is in the $1000 range which is where you go from "consumer" to "prosumer", but not yet "pro".
So what is the best device to use so that I can record sound with a boom microphone.

The best is open for debate, but there are a few quite excellent choices.


Aaton Cantar - Under $15,000


Zaxcom Deva 5.8 - Under $13,000


Sound Devices 788T - Around $6,500

Now, if you want something on a budget, please define the budget. There are a few units in the $300 range, and real production sound recorders starting at around $600. Also list what audio gear you already have. You may want to do a search of some of my previous posts on exactly this same topic.