
The animation in this film looks amazing. I think it begs the question. How long before we start seeing stars Humphrey Bogart and John Belushi in films again using voice impersonators?
Sooner than you think. I've heard that there's a CGI film in production that is bringing back a lot of the 1940's actors into a film-noir type mystery with a few of the now deceased famous actors. If I can find some info on it, I'll post it here.

I guess the biggest hurdle was to get permission from the relative's families to use the likenesses. But at what point do you no longer need permission? 20 years? 50? 100?
Would that mean that eventually Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin would be public domain?

What about James Dean? Elvis? Oooh! Marilyn Monroe? :D

-- spinner :cool: