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Before the Door

Before the Door is a production company focused on movies, television, graphic novels, and the web. It's run by Corey Moosa, Neal Dodson, and Zachary Quinto (and Sean Akers) and it is actually what started to get me interested in the idea of film-making as something I could do. I just have a certain amount of fondness for the company as a result. I just wanted to share them with you, if you haven't stumbled across them on your own.

I think my favourite work from this, thus far, is Hostage: A Love Story, a short film from 2009 that I recently came across (which led me to Before the Door) that I have been spreading around to everyone I know. I just enjoy it thoroughly. Do watch. They also have several others, but that one is my favourite. You can browse them on your own. I believe the majority is made up of comedies, if not all of them.

In addition to short films they have also crossed over into Feature territory with Margin Call, which was played at Sundance and will be released in the US in October of this year.

They have also recently completed another feature, which has been kept very secret. They completed shooting in 11 days and I'm interested to see if that is reflected in the quality of the film or not. We'll see.

The rest of their work in graphic novels and web whatever can be seen on their site.