Before I die, I want to make a film.

Hello, my name is Jesse Harris and I've recently been diagnosed with brain cancer. But I'm not mad, I'm motivated. Two years ago I moved to LA to do one thing. Make a movie. And before I die, I want to do just that. My doctor says I have about 8 months left, and all I can think about is getting as much money as I can from family, friends, and strangers to make a film. A comedy, because I love to make people laugh. I'm looking for financing from every source I can think of, and that includes begging. Any donation will help. Thank you.

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this has really helped my screen play......siamese midgets,one on steroids,the other on an ipad trying to get people to donate money for a separation.......he posts on indietalk:
hello,i am trying to raise money to get a separation from my siamese twin.....please help me get this zitty,sweaty,steroidal basterd off my back.i moved to l.a. to make a film,but i am stuck down here at venice beach lifting weights with my siamese brother.{he smells}...i hate these speedos as they're cutting off my circulation,i think some of my twin's steroids has leaked into my thighs.damnit.....please can donate at ......mmm.cyberbegg.quam.....
Well, I like the plot ... that we all are going to die sooner or later ... life's a blink in retrospect ... so I too would very much like to make a feature before I die.
For me, the money is not the obstacle, it's all those people who try and stop you, like teachers, family, spouses, government funding bodies, friends and so called experts.
So at the moment what I need is some keen and reliable crew in Australia ( of all places ) who also may want to make a feature and who also don't care about the money. Maybe we can help each other. What an idea that is.
Sure I know, it's a big ask and I risk being told that again and again, but as it's been said here already, I ant dead yet so I push on regardless.
Well, I like the plot ... that we all are going to die sooner or later ... life's a blink in retrospect ... so I too would very much like to make a feature before I die.
For me, the money is not the obstacle, it's all those people who try and stop you, like teachers, family, spouses, government funding bodies, friends and so called experts.
So at the moment what I need is some keen and reliable crew in Australia ( of all places ) who also may want to make a feature and who also don't care about the money. Maybe we can help each other. What an idea that is.
Sure I know, it's a big ask and I risk being told that again and again, but as it's been said here already, I ant dead yet so I push on regardless.

If money is not an issue than I don't see what your problem is. Get a script and hire a crew. If you are paying I'm 100% sure you will find professionals willing to work with you.

And don't let a bunch of nay-sayers stop you. The only person who can control your life and your actions is you. Remember that. And good luck!
Oh dear I guess I was not very clear and my idea is novel I suppose.
Of course I can hire professionals who want money. I was thinking ( or not as it turns out ) it was obvious that these people insist on getting paid money. Money is vital for them to turn up. No money, no show.
This blows out the budget big time of course.

In the past, I have often thought that money or the lack of it, was the reason I never got the gear and made a feature and maybe in the past this was partly true, but these days, the gear is very cheap ( in comparison ) and much less then the value of my house. The wages though, remain very high for a feature ( except mine ).

So I ask "what if" there were some others around here who also want to make a feature and worked for the same rate of pay as me. Getting the gear for me is not the problem it used to be.
We could then help each other make each others feature. It's what used to be called a "win win" but sadly it seems to me not as popular as it used to be.
There are always a million reasons why you can't make your movie. The people who ignore those reasons are the ones who get it done.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but my advice to you is to get the gear and start making stuff. It doesn't have to be a feature and you can do it alone.

If you want people to work with you for no pay you need to show them that YOU are serious. That YOU are someone who is good and worth working with. The best way to prove that is to have some work to show them. Make a short or two (or three) on your own, if you can't find any help.

No one is going to donate their valuable time to someone unless they have made something (and hopefully something good). The reason is most likely because there are a million people out there who are all talk and never do. Experienced people who are serious about film have probably been burned before by folks who are all talk. It's understandable that anyone who has not made anything gets culled in the first round.

I do understand the concept of a WIN-WIN, but many people may not see it as a WIN-WIN if they are unsure that you can do it.

Again, I'm not trying to be mean, just to motivate you. (And apologies if I'm off-base and you have in fact made something at all).
Well Dreadylocks, I get that you are one person who is not interested.

Nevertheless, I am still interested in anyone who IS interested. I have a few people lined up already and I can do with some more keen budding film makers or writers or whatever.

I think its a great deal ( though some will obviously think not ), you get your film made. It only costs a lot of your time.
Well Dreadylocks, I get that you are one person who is not interested.

Nevertheless, I am still interested in anyone who IS interested. I have a few people lined up already and I can do with some more keen budding film makers or writers or whatever.

I think its a great deal ( though some will obviously think not ), you get your film made. It only costs a lot of your time.

Hey don't get me wrong! I think it's great you've got people willing to work with you. I was merely trying to say that you should not let anything stop you from pursuing your dream. And you yourself were saying that you could not find any willing collaborators. Since that isn't the case, then my advice is less applicable to you.

And I would be very much interested in working with you. How do you suggest we do so? I live in Chicago, you live in Australia. Shall I shoot the footage and have you edit or the other way around? Or maybe we can each shoot stuff in our respective locations and make an interesting plot that way. I'm not being sarcastic, and as I said before I was just trying to encourage you.