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watch BEAUTIFUL - Short Music Thriller

Hey everyone! I would like to share with you a 3 min music experimental thriller short clip “BEAUTIFUL":
directed, shot and edited by myself:


This little project, was a big challenge to pull off as a director and it means a lot to me. This forum's advice really helps a lot on making every single project happen, so I just wanted to thank everyone for that. So please take the time to watch it and let me know your honest opinion. Every review means the world!

Thanks again FOR EVERYTHING!
Really enjoyed that. The visuals kept me in. Really don't like James Blunts music but it was too good to switch off. Great work.

Hey Paul! Thank you so much for your words man!, putting that song was actually a risk 'cause I know a lot of people dislike it (It just fits the concept so well). But I'm glad you liked it man, your comment really means a lot! :)