Jump Start Productions are currently looking for filmmakers from all around the world to collaberate in there next feature film entitled 'Love.'

To be part of this film all you have to do is shoot a five minute, unscripted film about love. It can be shot on any kind of camera and can be as out there or as crazy as you like. It can have numerous characters or simply be a one person monolgue to camera.

All films chosen will then be edited into a feature film, which will then go out to festivals in the hope of securing a distribution deal. Each filmmaker will also be given a contract, along with a percentage of the films profit.

This is not something you need to spend doing weeks of pre production on, if you have a camera and an idea just go and shoot it.

Once you've finished your movie, upload it onto youtube along with some information (cast, crew, story outline) and email me the link. The deadline is October 31st 2010.

Jump Start Productions was set up by Writer/Director Jamie Patterson and Producer Nathalie Holman to work with new talent and make high quality, low budget feature films.

'Love' is a project we at Jump Start are very excited about and hope to make a truely original film.

Please feel free to email me for any more information. Otherwise I look forward to seeing your films.

Jamie Patterson
Jump Start Productions