Be kind rewind - must see...

I don't care if Jack Black bugs you or if you hated Delicatessen. As someone interested in filmmaking at its most fundamental levels. You have to see this movie and get re-excited about filmmaking... Even if you're already excited about it! I just finished this movie and am ready to see it again. This tugs at the core of why I make films. That compulsion to create that drives us... the mistrust of our own abilities, the tenacity of the producer in us all...

I really like the film... and I also really, really liked the low-fi effects solutions they used in the film. I know they were meant to be a joke, but actually some of them were pretty interesting. In particular I liked the big cardboard cars.

You know me, I'm a massive fan of lateral thinking in film making... so this film really hit the spot for me.

My only real wish is that they'd made the film with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, instead of Jack Black (who I love) but who wasn't the right person for this film.
I agree with Clive, I think it would be better with Simon Pegg & Nick Frost, but I'm also a huge Simon Pegg fan...

and I don't think it's an accent thing, because Simon can pull off an American accent... See 'Big Nothing' as an example.
American's have accents? lol I live in the Ohio and there isn't a accent that I'm aware of for the central states. Anyway, back to the topic. Yeah this was a great film for film lovers. It was extremely entertaining to see how they pulled of their low budge effects. I just wish I could've seen how they made all the movies they listed. Not sure the general public would like it to much though, I guess that's just the film maker inside me. :woohoo:
The locals of any given region hear speech of that region as "without accent" so, anyone foreign to that area has an accent, yes.

Ohioans have a mid-western accent. It is generally considered the most unaccented voice though, and a good chunk of broadcasters in the US are either from the midwest, or strive to sound that way.

The reason this was brought up is that clive hails from the UK (even though he's now in Italy...) :)
Yeap, I'm a Brit... which means I drink tea and am only able to perform acts of intimacy if there is a picture of the Queen in the room and the national anthem is being played.

and I don't think it's an accent thing, because Simon can pull off an American accent

I wouldn't bother with American accents, I would have set it in the UK... revenge for "High Fidelity" which is supposed to be set in Camden, London and Constantine (who is supposed to be a 48 year old, chain smoking, blonde, Brit from South London... yeap, if I saw those requirements my first though as a casing director would be Keanu Reeves! LOL)

In fact it would have been the perfect third leg of the Cornetto trilogy! (Will knows what I mean!)
Perhaps one of the movies they sweded could have been one of their own... Then they could jump over a fence and complete the cycle ;)
I just watched Be Kind Rewind today. I agree with Knightly about how it makes you feel. Very funny, interesting, and touching in the end. The DVD also has a great short documentary about the people that took part in the film that were actually locals in the town they shot in.