Bates Motel

Is anybody else watching this (or has seen it, I think we're quite far behind with this in the UK)? What does everybody think?

I'm enjoying it, but I can't help but be put off by the glaring issue of what era it's set in. Is it the 50's? They all dress like it is. They drive cars like it's that era. They watch old black and white movies, but nothing in colour. Yet, they all have iPhones. I even heard someone mention OJ Simpson in reference to a "modern day killer".

What's the deal with that? If it was a one off, I could look past it. But in Bates Motel it's ever other scene.

Anyway, what's everybody else's opinion? I wonder what Hitchcock would be thinking?
Hitchcock would hate it probably. I don't think he'd want other people adapting his work, or using his name or names from his film without permission.
I don't really like the show.
What you're saying confuses me as well. Not sure about that :huh:
What you're saying confuses me as well. Not sure about that :huh:

Which part?

Did you notice how, deapite the fact that it would appear to be set in the 50's (pre-Psycho), all the characters have iPhones (an item not released until the 21st century)? And I'm not talking about one descrpency; it's a constant thing.
Which part?

I worded my statement wrong. I was talking about the iPhone thing, not about what you said. I got what you meant. My bad. :P

Did you notice how, deapite the fact that it would appear to be set in the 50's (pre-Psycho), all the characters have iPhones (an item not released until the 21st century)? And I'm not talking about one descrpency; it's a constant thing.

Maybe the prop guy got lazy :lol: