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watch Bad Habits (Short Film)

First off, :welcome: to IndieTalk.

Good for a first short. But it was a bit too long, and it dragged on. To fix that, make dialogue scenes shorter, and cut out unimportant scenes. The editing was not very smooth. That can be fixed by getting more coverage, and keeping it shorter. The one single thing I think you need to do most is invest in a microphone. The audio is barely understandable.

The cinematography, acting, and story is good. Hope to see more work from you in the future.
Thanks for the welcome and feedback man. Yeah we did have some audio problems and will definitely be looking into a mic. I did learn a lot from making this film, audio being the main thing and will take your feedback on board for the next project..:)
As for the film, the acting is pretty good

In the intro scene, I notice you cut across the line a few times and this looks a little unprofessional. The editing is also a little weird.

The main criticism however would be the sound. It's distracting, sadly and derails the film for me.

I see some great potential in here though. The sequence of shots when the character sits down on the chairs and then the ponytailed guy sits down next to him is very well shot in my opinion, but again the sound spoils this. The main actor is good in that scene though. Hope this helps.
In the intro scene, I notice you cut across the line a few times and this looks a little unprofessional. The editing is also a little weird.

The main criticism however would be the sound. It's distracting, sadly and derails the film for me.

Thanks for the feedback!! Yeah editing isn't my strong point but again this my first short so I will continue to work on it as well as with audio.

I see some great potential in here though. The sequence of shots when the character sits down on the chairs and then the ponytailed guy sits down next to him is very well shot in my opinion, but again the sound spoils this. The main actor is good in that scene though. Hope this helps.

I'm glad you enjoyed my performance as the main character. I did find it quite tricky at times to direct the other actors in each scene on top of acting in each of the scenes with them, but learned quite a bit. Overall though I had a lot of fun making this film.

Again thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated
Congrats on finishing your first film! That's awesome, dude, keep it up!

I can see that you were working with very limited resources, and that makes it ever more difficult to get things done. And I think you did a pretty good job with your acting.

My main critique is actually the editing. It's pretty wonky, pretty much every cut. If you'd like more detail, I can give you that. But as a generalization, there's just a whole lot of movement that isn't matching from shot to shot. Footsteps, blocking, arm movements, it's all very jumpy.

Good job on your first film, and best of luck on all future films! :)