BAD BLOOD does good

Our screening for the feature BIG BOOBS-BLONDE BABES-BAD BLOOD went very well!

People from the audience quoted the movie as...

"an absolute wild ride"
-Angelina LaPointe (singer, songwriter)

"a furious blend of settle yet savage filmmaking"
-Curtis Mclaughlin

"I loved the way you get sucked into the short films and how it transitions from one mood to the next without being's a smooth ride but yet insanely crazy at the same time!"
-Emily Wryn (musician)

We are trying to secure venues for screenings in the southern, CA area. Updates will be posted on the website.

Hey, I forgot I wanted to post a reply on your topic earlier but couldn't remember my freakin' password.

It was your 'bad review'.

I love the fact that instead of being bitter you had such an...outlook, is that the word..I don't know. You didn't let it get you down. And even posted a link to the review. A great attitude I would say. Even on your site under the awards section where it says you don't have any. It's funny (so I can't belive your films wouldn't be).

Keep up that attitude and look on life and you'll get far and be a happy person and an inspiration to others. That's it!

Alter Ego Cinema