archived-videos B-Tweets, a short film of 2 book lovers who date on the pages of their favorite books

B-Tweets is in-house produced short film of United India Films popularly known as UIF Studios. The film is a short story of two book lovers who date on the pages of their favorite books and how fate directs their love. ‘B-Tweets’ is the unconventional story of two book lovers who discover each other through fate. A mutual love for books makes them fall in love with each other, too, as they date on the pages of their favorite books.

The catchy title, B-Tweets, emerged from the essence of the story.
The idea is to capture the traditional reader in the times when technology has taken over everything we know. Everybody knows about e-mails, status updates, tweets, hash tags and the like. The rationale was to merge the penchant for books with the pervasiveness of social media. B-Tweets is the shortened version of Book Tweet, which acts as a platform for the climax.

The story revolves around Gauri and Rounak, who are book lovers of a unique nature.

Gauri's boredom and Rounak's curiosity conjure the necessary environment for a beautiful tete-a-tete between the two.

One morning, Gauri asks for a particular book from the librarian. The librarian manages to get it for her the next day.

A few days later, an overwhelming sense of inertia overcomes Gauri and she decides to try out something new.

“All my life I have been reading stories created by other people. I think Ishould write a story myself... Perhaps, a happy ending afterall...”

Working on her thoughts, she picks up her pen, writes a curious little note, the way one would pen a tweet and tucks it into the book and leaves.

A few days go by. One evening, Rounak accidently comes across the same book. He finds Gauri's slip inside. He unravels the clue, and manages to discover the next slip in the sequel of the first book.

The story takes an interesting turn when he accepts Gauri’s invitation.

What has Gauri invited Rounak for? That is what you will find out after the movie releases.

Meanwhile, Rounak decies to continue their story and he responds to Gauri’s little messages. The exchanges are deep, touching but all the while, anonymous.

The saga continues for a few months, in which they bare their dreams, hopes, fears and their souls before each other.

"We all get lost once in a while, sometimes by choice, sometimes due to forces beyond our control. When we learn what it is our soul needs to learn, the path presents itself. Sometimes we see the way out but wander further and deeper despite ourselves; the fear, the anger or the sadness preventing us returning. Sometimes we prefer to be lost and wandering, sometimes it's easier. Sometimes we find our own way out. But regardless, always, we are found."

As both of them discover in each other the love they both require, fate intervenes, once more.

One winter morning, uncertainty winks at Rounak as he reads Gauri's penultimate slip.

Now, it is evident that Gauri is about to leave and disconnect.

The climax of the story is about the search. Will Rounak be able to connect to her? Will he be able to find her? Does Gauri want to be found? Will they finally meet?

Is there a book that can come to their rescue, once more? Does it have the power to answers the questions of life?

Is it always about a happy ending?

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