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AVIDS for sale and rent

If interested in any of the following items, call us at 714.755.5580, or email at scott@highend-solutions.com

Unity Storage and Networking System, $100k, RENT it @ $8k/month
24 seat license, V3.5, Port Pro Server; Unity Processor; Processor; Transfer Mgr Processor all configured on ISP2150 servers, (2) Vixel Fibre Channel Switches: 00301619-901E, Avid Storage Drive: 005046431, (2) PowerWare UPS: PW5125, APC Smart UPS

Avid Symphony Version 5.0, $30k, RENT it @ $3800/month
Avid Symphony configured on an Compaq W8000 Dual 2.8 Ghz, Audio/Video interface, Input/Output interface, (2) Mitsubishi 20” Color Monitors

Avid Symphony Nitris HD: CALL
With Nitris Digital Non-Linear Accelerator, on HP xw8200, Nvidia FX3400, 3Gb RAM, Dual 19" flat panel monitors.

Avid DS Nitris, $125k, RENT it @ $15k/month
Avid DS Nitris Systems - with Nitris Digital Non-Linear Accelerator, version 7.x software, HP xw8000 3.06GHz . Dual Processor CPU, 3GB RAM, integrated Ultra320 SCSI, dual 18" Flat Screen LCD monitors & 9x12" Graphics Tablet.

Avid Media Composer 9000XL V.12 , $25k, RENT it @ $4k/month
Avid Media Composer 9000XL V.12 configured on a G4 933Mhz, Speakers, Mackie 1402VLZ Pro, (2) Mitsubishi 21” color monitor, 768MB/40G/CD/DVD, Avid 3D option, Avid Breakout box SDI/Component/Composite/S-video, Avid digidesign 888 audio, Avid Kit includes: Macalley keyboard with Avid keycaps, Keyspan for serial deck control, USB hub (for dongle connection and USB related items).

Avid Media Comper 9000XL V.11: $20K
Avid Media Composer 9000xl version 11 configured on Mac G4 933mhz, 512MB RAM, 40GB HDD, CDRW, Floppy, and USB comes with: (2) Avid FX Option, (2) NEC 22" Diamond 1250+ Monitors, (2) Roland MA-12 Speakers, (8) Avid media drive rS73/160 LVD Fixed External Storage. Upgrade to version 12 for $1500

Avid MC 1000XL V.12, $18k, RENT it @ $3k/month
Avid Media composer 1000XL V.12 configured on a G4 933Mhz. 512MB/27G/CD 9new box), Avid 3D option, Avid Breakout box SDI/Component/Composite/S-video, Avid digidesign 888 audio, Avid Kit includes: (2) Integraph 21” color monitors, Roland speakers