Average Joe mentioned in the local paper!

looking into it...this is the same theater chain that said no to the indie night...so we'll have to see. Apparently they do theater renting though, I'm looking into pricing.
And perhaps you could show a short film as a warm up just before "Average Joe..."

I know just the film, its a Brit flick called "TPW..."
I'm feeling like an old pro at this point when it comes to screenings. We finished "Waiting on Alphie" and initially held our world premier at a 200-seat theater. The theater charged $400 to rent on a Saturday matinee and we had to rent a projector for $300. So, I found a local restaurant to sponsor the event for $700. Break even. After the event we went to the restaurant and ate and drank $2,000 worth of food and booze. Get the connection? They won and we got an incredible event for "free."

Moving on, we held our next two screenings at an art museum/gallery. BIG room with one BIG white wall. Borrowed the project, set up the chairs they already had, and showed it twice in one night to two groups of 75 people. Ends up the gallery paid US $50 since they have a policy of paying any artist that comes in their door. Sweet. They sold popcorn and soda and made about $250 that night. They won.

Next we found a local nighclub that has the projector system built-in. Held a 9 PM screening that cost us NOTHING and about 200 people showed up. The nightclub was ELATED since it was a Tuesday night and everyone ate and drank about $2,000 worth of beer and chicken wings. They won and we had a blast.

Moving on, we rented a 700-seat theater and had a sponsor (a local business) cover the $500 charge. We filled it about half full (or it was half empty) and got to see the movie on a MASSIVE screen! Cost us nothing and we ran the place. They sold popcorn and soda and made a couple hundred bucks. We fell in love with this venue and are anxious to premier our NEXT movie there first.

Now ... in our final screening we actually had to pay the $500 out of our marketing budget BUT we made the sponsor of the event our NEXT movie ("Sketched") so the whole thing markets our recent release AND our movie in development. Man, I feel smart.

In every case, local media picked up on all this. The movie groupies hung out with us. People loved the movie and we're getting real sense of why in the hell anyone would want to do this in the first place.
Sounds like a winning combination there Alphie!

A local theater director asked me what I thought about buying out the porn movie theater in a neighborhood that's up and coming and seems really out of place now. She wants to turn it into something like what Alphie's talking about. "Old porn theater huh, two words, flame thrower." She laughed and told me she actually looked into how much muriatic acid it would take to cover every surface of the place.
Boz Uriel said:
A local theater director asked me what I thought about buying out the porn movie theater ... to turn it into something like what Alphie's talking about.
...good for you, knightly! I hope everything works out. You know it may also be possible to get one of the local 'multiplexes' to show your film as well. I have seen AMC and GKC show local filmmakers in their theaters...

--spinner :cool:
I've already got the call placed asking for prices. This may also lead to a solution about my indie night concept from the other thread I was participating in.