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Authors wanted! € 500

Authors wanted!

We are urgently looking for young authors, (video journalists and filmakers) to collaborate to “Great Expectations” a multi author web project and documentary.

The project explores job precarity and unemployment in the fields of Art and Culture in Europe at the time of the economic crisis.

“Great Expectaions” is an interactive collection of video portraits and short documentaries on precarious workers.

Each portrait has a budget of € 500. The authors that will realize most interesting portraits will benefit of a € 2000 budget to develop their portrait in a short documentary.

We already produced short documentaries in Italy, England and Portugal. At this stage we plan to collect stories from France, Spain and Greece. In the coming months we hope to expand the project to other nations and other areas of intellectual work.

In France we seek stories related to workers in the fields of restoration and conservation of cultural heritage, in Spain we seek stories in the field of journalism and in Greece stories related to research and university workers.

If you have a story, an idea or if you work in one of this fields and would like to witness your story contact us.

For more information, write to info@alterastudio.it or call us to +39 3926235699

The Altera Studio Team

A draft version of the video must be submitted no later than October 31.
The project is being developed by Altera Studio an Italian video production company focused on documentaries and video journalism.