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Australian Feature Film Production, Award winning Director and team.

"I hope all Paedophiles get a nose bleed just knowing this film is coming
out" - Controversial Australian Film Director Chris Sun

From controversial Australian Writer/Director Chris Sun comes Daddy’s
Little Girl; a story about a single father, his bond with his six year old
daughter, and his response to the most heinous of crimes committed by
someone he thought he could trust.

As humans, we don't always agree on fair punishment for guilty child abuse
offenders. Some believe in prison and others in vengeance; justice or
revenge. Daddy’s Little Girl asks the question, if you had the choice,
what would you do?

Set to be the most talked about film of 2012, Daddy's Little Girl is based
on actual events and is a must see for any parent.

In absolute contrast to his previous film, Come and Get Me, this film has
a powerful and realistic script backed by an experienced team of
Queensland film makers dedicated to telling it.

Please watch this Clip from Director Chris Sun and show your support not
only to the Independent Film industry but in the fight to STOP Paedophiles
and Child Killers. Although this film won't stop these heinous crimes it
will raise a lot of awareness.

We need your help to make it happen.

Director Chris Sun

DLG Face Book page

Where you can donate

Thank you for your time and please help us to get the word out by sharing links on your facebook pages, emails, myspace or whatever you can do to help us and to help abused victems have a voice!

