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Audio / mono / stereo

During edits in Premiere, I've noticed that when I drag an audio file into the timeline, sometimes the audio file is in stereo mode and occupies one track, and sometimes the audio file occupies two mono tracks? Can someone tell me why that is? If I'm being too vague maybe I'll take a screenshot and post it.
It's been an awful long time since I've toyed with Premiere, but it sounds like you have both mono and stereo tracks in your timeline. If you drag a stereo sound to a stereo track it will remain stereo. If you drag a stereo sound to parallel mono tracks it will split into two mono tracks. This happens in Pro Tools as well.

Now, are you saying that you sometimes import a stereo track and it imports as two mono tracks? That sounds like an import setting issue.
what happens, I think, is that when I drag the audiofile to drop into premiere, after having deleted all empty tracks, it will create a stereo track, it won't create the two mono tracks. The problem I was having was that even where there were mono tracks available, it would create a new stereo track at the bottom and not drop down on the existing 'dual' tracks. Does that make sense?

Does it have to do with the nature of the audio file (mono vs. stereo)? And what creates this nature of the audio file? Is it in the settings of the recorder?