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audio editing techniques

Does anyone know if there are audio plug ins that will make dialogue audio sound like it is being said ouside a car, or behind a glass door. I have shot a few scenes where the camera is shooting behind a window or outside a car and I want the audience to hear it from these perspectives. And then when I show the scene being shot from inside the car or inisde the room the audio will change back to normal sounds.
Any eq plugin can help you. Just think about what the sound of somebody standing outside of your car sound like.
Start by rolling off the hi freq's, and dip out around 1k to sit the vocal further back in the mix.
AudioEase makes AltiVerb (one of my main tools) and SpeakerPhone (on my "to get" list) that can mimic a huge number of real world situational sonic characteristics. Rather pricey, however.

As Cool mentioned, it will be a combination of EQ and reverbs. I could try to explain, but nothing would really make sense until you start experimenting.
I have a reverb plug-in named "TL Space" which can mimic lots of stuff.

I have used it to create voices sounding like they are inside a deep sea diver helmet, inside a car, in a glass booth, in a missile silo, etc. etc.

"ReVibe" is another one I've got which has a bunch of "Post Production" presets that you can use.

Also, you might take a speaker and play the audio out of it and "re-mic" it so that you get that early reflection of glass or whatever you want. You can either use that recording by itself or mix it in with the original but you have to make sure the audio is in phase and not cancelling itself out when you combine them.

That's one thing the sound designer/mixer of Cast Away did for the shots of him yelling to the ship that he sees way far away: He played Tom Hanks' recordings through a speaker in the surrounding countryside at Skywalker Ranch and they got that slap echo of the forest that they wanted. The neighbors also called the cops because they obviously heard someone yelling "HEY!!! HELP ME!!! I'M OVER HERE!!! COME BACK!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!"
TL Space is good, but Altiverb is vastly superior imho.

The neighbors also called the cops because they obviously heard someone yelling "HEY!!! HELP ME!!! I'M OVER HERE!!! COME BACK!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!"

If that had been me, I would've been equal parts confused by hearing someone yelling for help, and also wondering why Tom Hanks was outside my home.
plugins are great but a big part of the art of audio is recording what you want. A small piece of plexi in front of a mic with someone projecting accordingly would get ya there.