
I've been using this for a while now to edit sound effects together. I use Sony Vegas to score music, but for mixing and matching sound effects I generally just use Audacity, which is free! I was wondering if it's worth investing in something like Pro Tools or Logic for sound effect editing. I've experimented with them before and got just the same result using Audacity.

What's your opinions?
If you are getting the results that you like with the tools you have, you can definitely keep using them! Audacity is pretty capable these days. I don't personally use it because I have other software (basic layering, mastering and .wav editing I do in WaveLab and multitrack recording and MIDI work I do in Sonar), but if it works for you, that's the important part.
If you are getting the results that you like with the tools you have, you can definitely keep using them! Audacity is pretty capable these days. I don't personally use it because I have other software (basic layering, mastering and .wav editing I do in WaveLab and multitrack recording and MIDI work I do in Sonar), but if it works for you, that's the important part.

I've gotten really used to the interface of it now. I'm usually ok adapting to software programs, and I have a account which has tutorials for audio editing software, but I would need to make sure the investment is worth it. Audacity is working fine for me, and I think I might stick with it. I don't know what else Logic or Pro Tools or whatever offers that Audacity doesn't, as I'm not too advanced with audio editing.
My feeling is always to use the tools you have until they can no longer do what you need them to do. I use Audacity for a lot of things, even though I've gone from using iMovie to Premiere Pro for visual editing. At some point I'll probably upgrade to Adobe Audition, but for now, Audacity does 99% of what I need, and I'm comfortable with the interface, so I'm sticking to it.
My feeling is always to use the tools you have until they can no longer do what you need them to do. I use Audacity for a lot of things, even though I've gone from using iMovie to Premiere Pro for visual editing. At some point I'll probably upgrade to Adobe Audition, but for now, Audacity does 99% of what I need, and I'm comfortable with the interface, so I'm sticking to it.

I too have yet to come across something that Audacity wasn't capable of. The one thing I don't do on it is score. I usually do sound effects on it, and manage audio tracks. I've always got Sony Vegas as backup anyway, which is a $400 piece of software.
Free and very low budget programs and plug-ins tend to be CPU hogs. This won't be an issue until you start getting into large track and plug-in track counts. There may be other limitations; as long as you are aware of their foibles and know the work-arounds you'll be fine.