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watch AS Coursework Film Opening!

All details are in the description of the video and on the blog! I would REALLY appreciate comments and feedback on the YouTube video. Thank you!

Not bad! DEFINITELY a step up from some of the other work you've done. You're improving.

REALLY appreciate comments and feedback

Here ya go!

Our main character looks surprisingly well for being homeless. The credits at the beginning go on for two long and would be much better if they lasted for say, either 10 seconds or not show them at all until the end. The shots within the grocery store look a bit dark and warm. Light the scene and remember to white balance. The music in the background is a bit distracting as well, and it feels a bit unfitting. There's a jump cut around 0:53. There were some spots that were in desperate need of Foley or sound effects. There seemed no need for some of the film to take place during daytime. You could have started the film with the character receiving the coin at night, then going into the store, which means you can eliminate that day to night shot, as well as trim some fat from the beginning. The ending was a bit unsatisfying as well. It would have been nice to have seen the character struggle with the decision he had to make.
Thanks for your comment! I do completely agree with with you but as it was coursework we were very tight with timing! The credits at the beginning do go on for a bit too long but unfortunately this was what the exam board set us:/ And finally, it was all meant to be 2 minutes long, so we actually did run over time! Hopefully in my free time with a few people other people, we can continue the story without having to worry about deadlines etc!

Thanks again!
Thanks for your comment! I do completely agree with with you but as it was coursework we were very tight with timing! The credits at the beginning do go on for a bit too long but unfortunately this was what the exam board set us:/ And finally, it was all meant to be 2 minutes long, so we actually did run over time! Hopefully in my free time with a few people other people, we can continue the story without having to worry about deadlines etc!

Thanks again!

No problem. I understand how difficult it is to have hard deadlines and restrictions. Anyway, nice work (good story, btw), and I look forward to viewing the next :)