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watch Art Video, with Acting Stunt!

Hi, all, hope you are all well!!

This Art Video, is based on beautiful cartoon sets made life size, also an acting stunt!
all hand made objects like:

- Telephone
- Black Piano (made from Cardboard Boxes)
- Film Projector
- Cupboards and unit.
- Outside a House made from MDF, Paper, Ivy and false Flowers

I hope you will enjoy!:)

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I liked this but I think you can do better. I liked the sets you used, reminds of something i saw in a 70's or 80's British art house film. I liked the purse snatcher the best whoever played that guy was a creepy motherfucker like NosyBonk! Yeah Nosybonk! I thought that guy did a great job.


Do something like that in your next video! Maybe create like a darker tone or something to that nature cause i find that would be pretty interesting and i'd watch it if you pulled it off. One thing i might add is maybe cut together the fake sets and real life footage...say you have someone walking up to a house get them walking and then cut to the fake set of the house, if you get what i mean? Well you got a subscriber to your channel cause i wanna see were you go with this. Overall i liked it.
Hi, Thanks for your message!,

I like the link you gave me, nosybonk was funny, with a big nose and he was planting seeds!!
the music was quite wacky too!

This clip i made was my very first attempt at making a Tribute to No. 73, which was an 1980's
popular sat/sunday show and i loved it!!

I played the fur snatcher, it was creepy! got my influence form a Terry Thomas Film called 'Make Mine Mink'!!, the stunt was so funny and the revenge was cool, not sure about the
laugh i did at the end as i sounded like a duck!! lol

Glad you enjoyed it, i made more episodes after that!!