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archiving uncompressed HD to Blu ray dvds

You're much better off getting a few external hard disks 'cause a) per gigabyte of space they're far cheaper than Blu-Rays, b) Blu-Ray really doesn't hold that much data and c) Blu-Rays scratch.

Seriously - don't do it! Hard disks are cheap so get a couple and back it up twice.
Yea, you have just made me rethink my strategy here.

Our work flow up until now has been to use the Lacie 2big in safe mode. This records the data on two drives and has a max capacity of 1tb. At this point, we are about full.

I guess we will have to bite the bullet and get more drives. However, we still want the Blu ray in the off chance that we have some sort of hard drive failure.

My problem writing to the disc is that some of my files exceed the max capacity 23 gb. This means im splitting data onto 2 discs because the discs are not cheap. I need some software that will let me safely do this.

If you're determined to go the Blu-Ray route, does your drive support Dual-Layer disks? These hold up to 50GB.

My preferred approach is to use an external hard disk enclosure that supports removable drives - then you can just buy the drives themselves without having to buy a new external drive each time.


1 x Dual Layer Blu-Ray = £18 ( = 36p per gigabyte)

1 x Seagate 1TB 7200rpm Barracuda = £47 ( = 0.047p per gigabyte)

*EDIT* Just seen THIS - think I might get one!
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I use drives as well. The footage goes from the P2 to a hard drive, then from that hard drive to another hard drive that serves as the backup. The audio goes on there as well. The chances of 2 drives failing is virtually zero (for a total cost of $200 per film). About once per year I get each drive out, plug it in, let it spin up, then put it back on the shelf.