Archived Footage and Fair Use

I am making a no budget documentary and there is, hypothetically, old news footage that I would like to use in the documentary. According to the the "Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use," I should be able to use the footage with out worry of copy right law suite, given I source correctly.

This PDF out line is available here.

The only place that seems to have the film archives available is charging a large amount of money and I am not sure they even have the footage I want.

I have not yet attempted to contact the local news channels directly, but are the news channels obligated to help? I some how highly doubt that they will be of much help with out paying thousands in licensing fees, which according to the "Best Practices" guidelines I do not need to pay.

Has any one else been a similar situation, or gone through the process of using archived footage?
Local news don't usually keep extensive archives, and no, they're not obligated to help. Depending on the materials, you can get national news footage from Cision or other video monitoring services. Vanderbilt TV archives also has national news footage, with a very small burn-in, and you just pay for the dub.

Fair Use is possible, but really read the guidelines carefully. News clips can't just replace B-roll.