Approach to Pitching Feature Alien Sci Fi in Development?

I recently completed producing my first sci fi short ( Its been screened at the NewFilmakers festival in New York City and I just got an advanced invite to screen at the 2013 Annual World Science Fiction Convention. It also just got a review with some positive comments and I have started getting streaming rentals through the Distrify player.

The story is mine and Australian writer Karen Buckton wrote the screenplay. I have a contract with her to write the feature and we are in the process of mapping out the the elements for the pitch: logine, synopsis, summary, etc. She is starting to build a nice track record for herself on imdb and I have many previous credits as a composer on imdb. I also have a professional illustrator doing concept sketches for additional characters.

For the feature I want my role to be Executive Producer and I'd like to have a small speaking part like I did in the short. The main reason I did the short was to act in a story that I was passionate about. I want to get the film funded through investors, a studio or whatever and hire a Producer and Director.

I have worked as a Web Producer as my day job in many startups since the mid 90s. So I have extensive experience in budgeting, presenting, marketing, project management and investor pitches.

This strikes me as a 5Mish budget to do it the way I envision. I am open to: selling the rights to the story to a studio or working with other producers as partners. I am willing and able to do a business plan but I would need input from an experienced producer for the budget, in order to raise financing.

I understand that in this budget range investors will want to see an attached distributor and name talent, so that is why I am inclined to think I need to do this through a studio.

So based on your take on the industry right now, what might be my best approach to get this movie pitched to the right people, made and in theaters?

Query letters to agents? or producers? or studios? Which would be the best start?

Start with a business plan and budget and go to investors? Or go to studios for funding?

And in which order might I do these things?

Having started in the film industry as a composer, I'm very patient and persistent. I have a long-term view of this project so I'm more concerned with taking the time to build a professional team and getting it done right, than I am with the most sure bet.

Even if it means giving up rights and creative control, its important to me that this film gets made by people who are passionate about the idea and able to execute it with artistry.
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