Anyone wants to help me making a demo?

Hello all!

I´m trying to make a music demo with my compositions, something like an audio reel, I´m a music composer who aims to be a video-game, animations and films composer (but mostly for video games), the problem is that i don´t know what music include in my demo, so i made a list of the songs that i consider good to be within such demo, but that list includes 26 songs and i only need 6.

The demo will be as follow:

3 Min. time lenght.
6 songs.
30 sec. each song.

I´m searching for help because i want to make a good demo, something to call the atention of the directors or developers.

So, i want to ask this community to listen the list and choose 6 songs that you may consider fit well in the demo reel, i will really appreciate it, thank you for your time :)
You need to show versatility - action, drama, romance, tension, comedy, etc. It also helps of you have visuals to accompany them.

And where's the list?

BTW - Music for gaming is very different than other types of composition. The tracks need to be "loopable" and, in some of the more advance games, be able to vary in mix in real time.
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If you want to put a couple of the top contenders or your favorites as a reel up on soundcloud (or some other streaming site) than I'll gladly offer an opinion. (I'm not able to download big-ish files right now.)

Without hearing anything I would say the practical advice would be to put the six tracks that sound the most like composers that are in demand right now. Compose music that you care about and promote it as much as you can too - but you're not going to get hired because you make affecting and functional music. You'll get hired because you have experience with a live orchestra, or have access to a live orchestra. And you'll get hired because you can sound like Hanz Zimmer or John Williams or Danny Elfman and Hanz Zimmer and John Williams and Danny Elfman are out of 99.9% of film and game makers influence and budgets..

If that sounds soul sucking, it's because it kind of is.

Most of my favorite film composers became composers because little known directors liked the stuff they did for themselves, and made films with them that then became big.

I guess it really depends on your own personal relationship with music, though.. what part you want it to play in your life..

Don't take any of this as gospel, though, it's just what I've observed over the years..
I will send the compositions that most fit with what are they searching for, in some cases i mean, in this case i want help in making a generic demo.

Is true that the competition now is harder, but is not something that i really care about, and not all the compositors who are searching for a job have a custom real orchestra at their dispossition, in fact i don´t know who has it at this moment, for that you would need to be a director of a music school or a teacher.

BUT, we have technology and can simulate real instruments as a basic work and with that, show the skills of the compositor... most of the cases the producers are the ones who paid the orchestra thing, and i can tell that conducting/ directing a (paid) orchestra isn´t so difficult.

Well, that´s what i have notice during my experience as a musician/ composer and composer/ director´s assistant.