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Any photo-manipulators?

I have a still photo of a city sign on the outskirts of town. I'd like for it to be manipulated to look like it's been through hell and back. Basically, the sign after an apocalypse. I'll then turn that photo and add video sky time-lapse to it and add some slight camera shake.

Anybody here know how to manipulate a still photo (add rust to a sign, add weeds to the farm field?) That's all that would need to be done.

I'm hoping somebody wants to take a stab at it!!

You'll get credit in the movie and a huge thank you. :)
If you know how to composite a background behind the photo, you should be able to add those elements your self.

I would run searches for gun shot holes, and then rust, dirt, and peeling paint textures. Then just resize and layer them on your sign pic until you like the way it looks...