any ideas?

I might be accepted into John Hopkins University for "talented"...(cough) Youth. In which i can take college courses in Film. I was wondering whether to study digital, 16mm, 35mm, or Super8. Please help...i'm at a loss of actions.
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i'll have to check, maybe i can...I am used to digital though...maybe i should try something different. I've talked to people who've worked with Super8 and loved it...maybe i should look into it.
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Do whatever you can ... it's good to have a working knowledge of as much as you can so that when on a board like this one you can pretend you know a lot ... I know, that's what got me my job as Super Mod.

Seriously, I would personally say take a course in 16mm and digital. If you know how to shoot with both of those you got a good chance of making it in independent film.

Listen to Poke...

I remember reading something somewhere that said "A director not only has to know their own job, but also know how to do everyone else's job too, if not better at least as well" or something along those lines.