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watch Any feedback appreciated-My directing debut

I like!

You only mentioned directing, but since you're second-year, I assume you're also DP, as well as a number of other things?

I think you've got a terrific eye for what to do with the camera. I like your shot-composition, shot-selection, all that. This movie has a really nice aesthetic.

Speaking of which, why'd you go with the 2.35:1? I know the 7D doesn't shoot that way (did you have tape over the top and bottom of the screen? I've got a freind who does that). Do you just prefer the wide look?

The dialogue was a bit quiet, and hard to understand, at around the 2:30 mark.

At the :52 mark, was the coloring intentional? I wasn't sure, but it looked like maybe the white-balance was off.
I like!

You only mentioned directing, but since you're second-year, I assume you're also DP, as well as a number of other things?

I think you've got a terrific eye for what to do with the camera. I like your shot-composition, shot-selection, all that. This movie has a really nice aesthetic.

Speaking of which, why'd you go with the 2.35:1? I know the 7D doesn't shoot that way (did you have tape over the top and bottom of the screen? I've got a freind who does that). Do you just prefer the wide look?

The dialogue was a bit quiet, and hard to understand, at around the 2:30 mark.

At the :52 mark, was the coloring intentional? I wasn't sure, but it looked like maybe the white-balance was off.


Being a second year, we were put into crews, and so I was able to select people as DOP, Boom Op and so on, but we ourselves had to direct, produce, edit and write.

I only decided to go with 2.35:1 in post, after a couple of mates had shot for it. We decided to try it out with my rushes generally because some of it looked awesome with it (they'd recently become obsessed with it after we made this http://vimeo.com/16390778).

I never got to grips with apple colour in time, so the colouring in that part wasn't intentional, but its something I aim to work on in the future.

Thanks for the feedback.
I really like the cinematography. For instance the shot at :37 is nicely framed. Same with the shot @1:44 through the bedpost, with the hand, and the dolly effect is nice.

I agree about the coloring at :54, it looks really orange.

About the story,
I see the beginning is the Death of the father, the middle is the mourning, but the ending is ambiguous. When he stops running, you expect him to smile or nod or in some way acknowledge his acceptance, if that is his stage of mourning. But he just closes his mouth.
On second thought, I think I prefer the ambiguity-smiling would be too predictable.

Good production overall, it looks like you put a lot of work into it.:)
I really like the cinematography. For instance the shot at :37 is nicely framed. Same with the shot @1:44 through the bedpost, with the hand, and the dolly effect is nice.

I agree about the coloring at :54, it looks really orange.

About the story,
I see the beginning is the Death of the father, the middle is the mourning, but the ending is ambiguous. When he stops running, you expect him to smile or nod or in some way acknowledge his acceptance, if that is his stage of mourning. But he just closes his mouth.
On second thought, I think I prefer the ambiguity-smiling would be too predictable.

Good production overall, it looks like you put a lot of work into it.:)

Thanks, I didn't want to make the ending too obvious, I wanted the audience to sit back and think/discuss it.