editing Another DVD question

I just posted a question about burning DVD's, now I only had two DVD's to work with and when I went to burn them in iDVD it asked me how I wanted to export them. I chose AVI file and that was a bad idea. After it finished burning I put it in my DVD player and it was such a mess. It was nothing but giant pixels. So in order to save me the time and cost of burning a DVD under each export setting, what should I use? Thanks for your time.
iDVD should have a "Save as disk image..." option on the file menu. If you create a disk image of your DVD, you can play it in DVD player to see if you like it.

When you speak of "export", that sounds like Final Cut Express, not iDVD. From iDVD, you should just be selecting "Burn DVD" from the File menu ... not export???
If you are exporting from Final Cut Express, you would want Quicktime Export. Under settings, I think there is an option for DVD. Otherwise, just use full quality. I'm a little confused about what you're running into ... are you dropping your Final Cut project file into iDVD?
Thats a good question. I did it the other night and was just fumbling through the motions. So should I save the project in FCE then open it in iDVD. I do remember seeing the quicktime option in FCE when I went to export it. I tried several different ways. I'll go buy some more DVD's and have at it. Thanks for the quick response.
Ok, from the beginning ...

Right click on your finished sequence in the browser window (upper left) in FCE and select "Export" from the popup menu.

Pick "Quicktime" from the top of the sub-options under Export.

If you have enough disk space, select "make movie self contained", for settings use "Current Settings" (you don't need to recompress all frames), give your movie file a name, select a location with enough space to store about 15GB per hour of your final movie, and export.
(If you don't have enough disk space, uncheck "make movie self contained".)

Now, take the resulting movie file into iDVD (locate it in Media, or just drag + drop the file into the menu to make a button that links to that movie).

In iDVD, you can play the Movie to see how it looks. When you're done, either create a disk image or burn it to a DVD disk.

If you follow these steps, you DVD should be as good as your original unless your original was high definition.
