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AmazonWireless Video Competition

AmazonWireless has teamed up with Zooppa for the Freedom to Choose Video Contest.

Your mission: Create a video, 60 seconds or less, that demonstrates how AmazonWireless eliminates the frustration synonymous with the typical mobile phone purchase path. We encourage submissions to be humorous, but be sure to focus on how AmazonWireless keeps the phone shopping experience exciting and easy by giving customers the freedom to choose the phone and/or service plans that’s right for them by highlighting its core benefits relative to buying a phone in a physical store.

Videos can be uploaded to Zooppa until Sept. 28, 2011 and winning videos will receive $15,000 of awards.

For more details, check out the contest brief: http://zooppa.com/contests/amazon-freedom-to-choose-video-contest

Good luck and happy filming!