Amazon Subtitles nightmares

I have been successful in creating subtitles for a few of our films on Amazon Instant Video, but for some reason with our latest film, "TATTLETALE CORPSE", I just couldn't seem to deliver the kind of subtitles that Amazon was looking for. They kicked them out for a variety of reasons, everything from sync problems, to "not detailed enough", to improper formatting, and more. I went through this for two weeks before getting fed up. SO, I went to one of the companies that Amazon recommended, "REV", and they had the subtitles done for my film in only a half-day!!! AND, they only charge a dollar a minute, so my 68-minute film only cost me $68 dollars TOTAL for subtitles. THAT'S IT, just $68. If you get as pissed-off at Amazon as I was getting, give a try. (No, I'm not getting paid for this endorsement)
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Based on your recommendation, I tried to get captions for my film Outcall so I could get it onto Amazon Video Direct. Thanks! It was very inexpensive and fast. All I had to do was submit the film to them. is one of Amazon's suggested vendors for this type of work. My only note is that if you shot your film at 23.98 fps, request a SRT file of your captions otherwise it will be rejected by Amazon. At least, that is what happened to me.
Hey, thank you both for sharing this info. My next film is going to need extensive subtitles, not just to get it on Amazon but because it's multi-lingual. I'm glad to have seen this recommendation.