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watch Amateurs- A comedy webseries

Hello! As my first post I wanted to show off our webseries.

It runs for 8 episodes (I have posted the first and second episodes if you would like to view them).

An 8 episode webseries about Bret and Rob who are clearly inept filmmakers. The two decide to get back into amateur film after Bret discovers their old camera. Rob's girlfriend, Melissa, is wary of his choice to pursue film. The two also must stomach internet troll RICHARDFILM46, who constantly belittles them. When Rob gets word of a film festival coming to town, can the two put together a feature film or will they always be just AMATEURS?

Episode 1: Pilot
Meet Bret and Rob. Two college students with an interest in indie film. Bret has the idea to get into making short videos again. Having convinced Rob, the two get to work.

Episode 2: Writer's Block
Bret and Rob have to deal with a case of writer's block and the lack of interest in their movie. Bret comes up with a solution to both problems which Rob will come to hate.

Enjoy! Also we'd appreciate any criticism.
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Well, after watching the first episode I thought it was just another awkward comedy series, but the second video was a definite improvement over the first. Each had something to laugh at at least, but really you can kind of tell you've just sat down and read off of a script - the environment hasn't had much thought put into it, though I guess it fits in with the characters as I'm assuming you both live there and that the characters are just you but in script form. You should get a third person to look over the script and see if they actually find the jokes funny, because jokes that may be funny between two people can often be lost on everyone else.

Good start though, it'll be interesting to see what improvements you make in the future :)
I wonder how much more time it would take, and how much more money it would cost to actually light this and record good audio and mix it?

I don't mind micro budget productions...in fact I yearn to find micro budget production who use ingenuity, skill, and sweat equity to bring a production up to a level one can be proud of. What I find hard to swallow are productions that blast through a production without taking any of the craft seriously. The web is full of them. If you want to stand out in this bog of infested backyard movies, you have to actually put the time in...sticking a camera in your friends faces and telling them to act goofy isn't going to cut it. Just because you know how to upload the footage into your computer and 'edit' it, doesn't mean you are a filmmaker.

Listen, this rant isn't even necessarily targeted at the OP and their video. It's more about a trend.

If you want to hear honest advice about your production, you've come to the right place. Filmmakers get NOTHING out of people who fluff their work and say 'great job, that was funny'...you're not going to grow surrounded by family and friend 'YES' people.

My advice...start with lighting. Then with sound. Then with a better script. Not necessarily in that order...but that's a start.

There's just too much careless point-and-shoot 'movies' out there to even watch this kind of thing. You have to stand out. If I can tell that YOU care about the production...then I will care.
Actually Michael this is the exact reason I came to this forum. I personally believe something is just missing from our work, but here I am with no idea how to improve it. I know lighting is an issue. Me and Ron and been trying to work on that throughout the filming of Amateurs. And we've been stuck in this back-and-forth funk with the camera work. I'd really like any sort of advice on how to fix that.