archived-videos Amateur Porn Star Killer (new trailer)

We have a new trailer up for "Amateur Porn Star Killer." Check it out @ WARNING: Trailer contains nudity and adult themes.

You can also check out a very in depth interview by Film Threat, links to notes on the urban legend of Snuff Film, reviews of the film, Ted Bundy links and more, at the Official Site.

Alter Ego Cinema

-we are currently seeking dist. for the film and hope to release it on dvd by the end of summer/early fall.
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Was this film heavily scripted and rehearsed or more of an ad-lib piece. I think no one will want to admit to seeing it or buying the DVD, but inwardly will desire to.

Maybe you should make the DVD box a plain brown wrapper, with just a blood stain on it and no words at all till it's opened.

Looks very interesting, and really exposes the depravity of man.
cinevid said:
I think no one will want to admit to seeing it or buying the DVD, but inwardly will desire to.

yeah, good point we've kind of noticed that. It's received tens of thousand of hits/views this month through just a few sites but many people respond negatively without having even seen it yet are still drawn to it in the first place.

It was imporvised. There's a lot of info on the making in an interview on Film Threat. It gets fairly detailed. And there is a nother interview with Cinema Crazed should be out tomorrow.

As far as the cover, we've received some good suggestions, thanks! we'll have to see how that goes when it comes time for actual dist.

thanks for checking it out everyone.
I want to see it!


And I admit it!

This movie is right up there on my must see list along with Superman Returns and Clerks 2.. no lie. Even if it isn't good, I'd give it points for being so in your face. I'd much rather see a bold passionate movie that isn't perfect than a glossy 'same as everything else' polished PC Hollywood film anyday.

I was at Blockbuster the other day and I honestly didn't want anything from the whole wall of new releases.. and I couldn't even tell recent horror and thriller films apart.. THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!

end of rant! LOL

Anyway.. I always look forward to a good no/low budget release.. I own many.

those are some inspiring words man, now if we could just convince a distributor (we're waiting to hear from several but got turned down by the first big one - actually every single film of ours was turned down by them - because we don't have name actors, which nobody seems to care about these days anyways, it's all about the indiez man!)

Anyways, hopefully soon, I just logged in to find several new cool things to add to our press kit.
Here's a couple more reviews.

"What you can expect to see from this film is a vile piece of cinema that will make your skin crawl...a film that will haunt you for quite some time."

"AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER is definitely an unforgettable work by a talented filmmaker."
