Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Like "Titanic"?

Honestly, everyone I meet loves that movie. Its just a moneymaking scheme. They're re-releasing it in 3D to get even MORE money. Can someone make me feel better by saying that they at least didn't like "Titanic" a little bit?

The story is so cliche. I mean, they already have 2 movies about Titanic already...

Also, the actors have been used in movies before. Can't they find original actors?

And the director. He made a few movies before this one. Can't he find another, more original JOB???

I mean... The story is just so over-used. Man meets woman. Man falls in love with Woman. Woman is from a rich family and Man is poor. But they end up together in the end. I mean, Romeo and Juliet already had the rights to this type of family-conflict-relationship story, and no other movie has the right to use this type of story-line, right?


I hope you get my point.
I think everyone should stop making movies. Entirely. Unless it is COMPLETELY original.

I'm witchoo. And when I say I'm witchoo. I mean I'm witchoo.

Nevertheless, we gotta let the bashers have their support group. I hold out hope that some of them will someday see the light.
Fo' Shizzle My Na'vi Nizzle.

Yeah well, with success there comes bashing, and Avatar's about the most successful movie we'll see for a long time.

Unless of course Harry Potter Part 7.2 makes over 3 billion dollars in the box office.

Then, everyone will say "My god. He wears glasses. Can you please be more original and have him wear snowboard goggles? And my god, magic? Please... That's been done in SOOO many other movies. They're just trying to make money!!!"
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Oh yeah,

And Harry Potter 7.2 will have to create a new trend of 4D TVs, like this:
I liked Titanic. You see, the genetic mutational difference between Jack and Rose, made for...

Just kidding. I love you Cracker.
I feel like there is sarcasm going on, but I just can't grasp it. :hmm:


Maybe I should dumb down my dialogue and use an even more UNORIGINAL thread name to get my point across.

Wow. Maybe James is a frickin genius.
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