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watch "All The Love In The World"

Hello everyone. This is the third trailer to the second no-budget movie I have done. It's all done on two cheap Cannon ZR850's, but we're happy with the quality and how it all turned out. I'm not sure if this is the best place to post it, but if any of the vets would like to take a look at our myspace page to see if it's missing anything or any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. It's at www.myspace.com/allthelovemovie

Here's the third and final trailer. I wanted to have different tones in each of them to attract different audiences to the same movie. It's a dramatic romcom, fyi.

Oops. I tried to embed, but I guess not...

Go here: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=47505991

This is somewhat mature content and NOT work safe.

Thanks for any feedback.
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Are you using some kind of filter for style? Some of the shots look REALLY washed out, and I'm most likely because of the filters. My guess is that you're trying to mask over the fact that you're using cheap camcorders by adding filters in post. I don't know the forum concensus on this issue, but I personally dislike this practice.

You're the third person I mention this to in about a week. Tripods! Invest in one, or more than one, depending on the amount of cameras you use. A shaking camera is INSANELY distracting, and completely takes away from the experience. In some of the shots, your cameramen are doing a good job keeping the camera steady, and in others, I just can't take it.

Your sound is subpar. I'm not sure what you're using for sound, but it's not very good. There's A LOT of interference, and the quality sounds just about as good a PC microphone I have for playing counter-strike. Invest in a decent microphone. Thankfully, good sound is not an expensive addition to your films.

Also, music video trailers are not a great way to get people excited about your film. They're too long. They don't really tell you anything about the film. They're boring to watch. I'm not sure why this practice got so popular. Maybe I'm just crazy, and everyone else loves music video trailers. But I thought i might as well give you my opinion.

I also find it admirable that you are trying to sell DVDs already, and I wish you luck with it! But I personally think it may be too early for you to be selling these movies. Whatever works for you though :)