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Aged 11-16? Enter our Film Competition. Winning prize is an Apple iMac

After its success in 2013, Sigmatak Ltd, an Information Security consultancy has launched its internet safety film competition again for 2014. 11-16 year olds are being invited to create short films to highlight the dangers of internet use and the measures that may be taken for a safer online experience. This competition helps in raising internet safety awareness amongst children and creates a platform for youngsters to express their creative talent and build self confidence in the process.

As internet usage becomes the norm among children, so does the risk of these children becoming targets of predators or fraudsters. It is important to empower children through innovative internet safety education activities from an early age so that internet safety becomes instinctive.

This year, we are looking for entrants to create a scenario based film that is engaging and informative, choosing from one of the following three themes:

1. Privacy: What is Privacy and why does it matter? Are we giving away our right to privacy when we go online? What can we do to maintain personal privacy whilst enjoying the benefits of the internet? Film to give advice on how we may maintain our privacy online

2. Companies and the internet: Why is it important for companies to have internet safety awareness for its staff? What can happen to a company if staff click on email links from strangers or lose their USB memory sticks containing sensitive information about their company?

3. Stranger danger: Is it okay for children to chat to strangers online? What are the dangers and how may these be avoided? Film to give advice for children on dangers of sharing information to strangers and what the potential impacts would be.

The competition is being supported by leading organisations and the judging panel will consist of senior leaders from global organisations.

The deadline for submissions is 20th October 2014 and the winning prize is an Apple iMac. You will no doubt appreciate that more importantly than the prize; some of the key benefits derived from participating include the increase in confidence as well as developing vital skills that will be beneficial during the participant’s future careers such as leadership, communication and collaborative working.

Full details of the competition and how to enter are available on Sigmatak’s website www.sigmatak.com

This is a fantastic opportunity for schools and organisations working with young people to play a leading role in addressing the growing need to teach the importance of keeping safe online and we strongly encourage your active participation in promoting this initiative to the target age group.