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watch After School Specials

Very good man. What camera did you use? It was really good, im still watching it. Reminds me alot of Glee but with a different tone/feeling. Really good work man "Thumbs up"
very "the office"!
that's a good thing, seeing as the office is my favorite tv show.
really liked it! canon 7d?
I watched the first one and it made me want to watch the second. Great job, keep it up. You've got a good web series on your hands.

I agree it was very 'Office'-ey, in a great way. What did you shoot it with? Nice job capturing the fluorescent lighting look. What was your sound set up?
Thanks for the positive feedback. I can only answer a few of the technical questions as I am just a writer, bad actor, webmaster, still photographer, and provider of sarcastic quips.

We did shoot with the Cannon 7d mostly but for that first shoot we also used a Nikon d90. The camera crew didn't like it so that was the last we saw of it. For audio, I am not sure what it is called. Its a little digital recording device from the TV and Film class and it attaches to a mic boom.

Almost all of us are teachers and to a great extent each of these characters, events, and situations are things that we have experienced throughout our teaching careers ... though exaggerated for comic effect. It intentionally has a mockumentary/office feel to it as we thought that would work best for what we had in mind. Our director is another teacher whom you have yet to see on camera and he is a friend of mine and the creative genius behind the show. We just finished writing the script for episode 3 on Friday and that took 3 weeks to hammer out! Man, who knew film making was such a time consuming endeavor?!!

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Hey Guys,

Just to correct "Rocky" a bit... episode 1 was shot entirely on the GH1 and the 5Dmk2... we did shoot a short film on the D90 a while back and it had mixed results... the second episode was shot with the 5Dmk2 and the new t2i...

We also used the H4n for sound with an audio technica shotgun mic...

Thanks for all the great feedback!!!

(btw, I'm one of the other writers and the director) :)